Tempo Event 18-08-2012 Bootlegdjcafe
Lineup: Switch (Innerground / Soul:R / Shogun Audio Ltd / Prestige) Switch (Jesse Weijers) was born and raised in...
July 17, 20120 -
Containerfest Invites PRPLX 21-07-2012
On the 21st of July 2012 the first edition of ContainerFest will be organized in the Schiehaven of Rotterdam....
Tempo Event 16-06-2012 Bootlegdjcafe
Lineup: Vacious (Nasha Records), just signed his track “Nine Years” to Nasha Records, this Rotterdam producer is on a...
Tempo Event 21-04-2012 Bootlegdjcafe
Lineup: Switch (Shogun Audio / Soul:R), honoured to have Switch (Jesse Weijers) to play at Tempo again, his releases...
FCKN WCKD Invites PRPLX 20-04-2012 at 013
“We have Tempo Records head honcho DJ Fusion with his new PRPLX act, and long time bigshot DJ Tyson...