Photek | Modus Operandi | Science | QEDT6 | ID78 – Tempo

Photek | Modus Operandi | Science | QEDT6 | ID78

Photek | Modus Operandi | Science | QEDT6 | ID78


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Photek & Source Direct set up the Science label (subsidiary of the main Virgin label) to have a musical outlet/ platform of their own music. Modus Operandi is a classical piece of music wich combines Jazz and minimal Techno/ Electro influences. Yendi is a beautiful piece of minimalistic music but without losing the funk. It shuffles along with a simple hi hat line, then some incidental cowbells and acoustic kick drums, a naturally modulating double bass line, and then those deep melancholy Photek string pads come in to maximum effect. Essential piece of DnB down tempo music!

Record condition:
Vinyl comes in Mint condition with original sleeve in New condition.

A. Modus Operandi

B. Yenti